AB Fitness reaches 9 operating gyms

Finally, on June 1st, AB Fitness launched its ninth gym, which has operated since then under the name of AB Fitness Terra. Located in the industrial estate of Lugo, the new center is the fourth that the brand establishes in said Galician town and has 800 square meters of surface area.
The new club encompasses the disciplines of the chain’s gyms, such as cardio, free weights, cross training, converging disc machines, directed activities, functional suspension training, etc.
Despite not providing specific data, the CEO of the chain, José Antonio Duran, has assured that the first half of this 2022 has registered “higher sales than in the analogous periods of the past 2022, as well as 2021”.
The businessman is pleased to highlight that his banner, since its inception in 2001, “has always concluded the year with positive results” and predicts that this 2023, “according to how sales evolve, we will close the year with black numbers again” .
José Antonio Blanco points out that “perhaps, the opening of last June will not be the last of this 2023”. Although he refuses to provide the specific location of what will be the chain’s tenth gym, he points out that “if everything goes according to plan, we could open that new center around October or November.”
The businessman acknowledges that he has had to vary his expansion strategies. “Both Basic Fit and Synergym are expanding a lot and, in their reciprocal conflict, they are taking over the most important cities, with which we have decided to opt for other types of locations.” Duran points out that, at the moment, the squares that are most attractive to them are those with a population of between 9,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. As he explains, “those types of locations have a critical mass that is not interesting for the big chains, thereby avoiding their competition and this allows you to make your centers profitable.”
This 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the opening of the second AB Fitness gym. It was from the year 2013 when, according to Duran, “we began our expansion of forces and, during the last decade we have opened 8 new centers that, perhaps, could become nine if the opening that we have planned for the last quarter of this 2023”.
Currently, the nine centers that AB Fitness has in operation together have some 5,000 subscribers who are attended by around forty employees.
Duran concludes by showing confidence in ending this 2023 with a network of 10 gyms. The current nine are distributed between Asturias and Galicia, specifically in the municipalities of Chantada, Foz, Lugo (4), Padrón, Ourense and Oviedo.