Family seeks witnesses, tips related to 2022 murder of Jenny Her

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — Milwaukee police say they know who killed Jenny Her in December of 2021, thanks to your anonymous tips after the first time CBS 58 aired this story.
Now authorities need witnesses to testify and for more people to come forward through Crime Stoppers.
If you don’t do it for Jenny and her unborn baby, do it for her twin sister.
“I feel like I lost, I lost everything because she was my other half. I lost my best friend, I lost the person I confided in,” said Amy Lee, Jenny Lee’s twin sister. “Usually we would celebrate everything together, I lost all of that, all I have is memories. She was my person.”
Many people spend their lives looking for their person. But for 24 years, that wasn’t the case for Amy Her and her twin sister.
“I’m lonely. I feel like I am by myself and it sucks because when you’re born with somebody you’re never alone. We went through everything together, we fought together, we laughed together, we raised these kids together, we went through life together so I have to relearn to live my life again,” said Amy. “I’m mad because I’m by myself. And I have to go through everything by myself. She was the strongest person I know, she always made a way, she was like a god to me. I didn’t know what I would do without her and I am still trying to figure it out. 092406 she was all I had. There’s five of us but she was all I had.”
Jenny Her was murdered on Dec. 11 of 2021 outside of her home at 4119 Lancaster Avenue.
“I always told her as long as I didn’t lose you Jenny, I didn’t care who I lost. But I lost her,” Amy said. “I just told her that before she died. I just told her that because I was going through it so bad with my spouse at the time, I said I don’t care if I lose you, I got Jenny. I told Jenny as long as I didn’t lose you, I didn’t care who I lost. You’ve helped me raise these children; you helped me get through this life I don’t care. Then I lost her.”
Milwaukee Police Department Detective Tim Keller has been working hard to solve Jenny’s case.
“There’s no reason that this should have happened. The information that we have here is that these suspects responsible were out committing robberies and at the time of a robbery they ended up firing gunshots that ended up striking Jenny killing her and her unborn baby,” said Detective Keller. “There’s no reason that this should have ever happened. Jenny should still be alive. Her child should have been born.”
“I was not there for her last breath. We came out together, and if she was going to go we would have been together. So I feel like I failed her,” said Amy. “When I watched her six feet in the ground, I knew she wasn’t coming back but through my troubled times she visited me. She tells me I’m going to be okay, she gives me hugs.”
Since Jenny’s death, Amy and her mother pleaded for tipsters to come forward anonymously. An $11,000 reward has been put up to help make an arrest.
“It’s still not solved and we are still grieving and we are still missing somebody and we want answers,” said Amy. “We are still depending really on Crime Stoppers.
“The last time that we aired this we did get phone calls, we got tips, it was good information it was information that we followed up on and found that its very likely accurate,” Detective Keller said. “The advantage to using Crime Stoppers is that people with information like that can be anonymous.”
Keller says the tips led them to the names of two suspects.
“The problem that we ran into is that there’s people that are close to the individuals that we believe are responsible for her death that have opted to show their loyalties toward those suspects. And they are refusing to cooperate with us. Those people know who they are and I think people around them also know who they are. And what we are asking is that anyone in the community that knows, not just involved in this homicide directly but the people that are in their inner circle the people that know what happened that they try to urge those individuals to come forward and share the information that we need to close this case,” said Det. Keller.
Through Crime Stoppers, Amy found comfort sharing her story alongside other victim’s family members. But it’s not enough.
“We know she didn’t deserve this, the baby didn’t deserve this. It’s a piece we are missing, it’s like a hole in all of our hearts,” Amy said. “I don’t think anything would make me feel better but it would make my mom feel better and that would make me feel better. My mom, she needs to know why, she needs to know who.”
They can’t get those answers.
“We are never giving up on her,” Amy said.
Someone who witnessed what happened or a person with inside intimate knowledge of that night has to come forward.
“You took my other half,” Amy said. “It’s not even about forgiving. I’ll never forget it. And I can never unsee it. I can never unsee that night. I know you’re not sleeping at night, because I’m not. And I know you heard the screams just like I did. I know you saw the blood like I did. But they’ll find you.”
If you know anything about Jenny Her’s murder on Lancaster Avenue in December of 2021, pick up your phone right now and call Milwaukee Crime Stoppers at 414-224-TIPS (8477). You can also use the P3 Tips App. Your call is always anonymous.