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fitness: The best abs exercises for beginners

Congratulations – you’ve decided to start activating your abs. It’s never too late. Although if you are a beginner, you may have doubts: where to start? Don’t worry, here you will be able to six perfect exercises for beginners. They are affordable, very simple and above all they will help you

better define your core and burn that fat that bothers you so much from day one.

Not everything is to suffer to do complete series of 50 sit-ups, that exercise so hateful for so many. The good thing is that you want to have a better core, and this is not just about having ripped abs. Every time you carry the groceries, the clothes or even play with your children or nephews, you need your

core as the basis of strength. That is what you have to work on.

Many beginners have upper back strain or lower back problems. Your core is located in your posterior chain and strengthening it will help

keep your chest up and your spine strongwhich can also be related to the relief of back pain.

Whether you’re getting back into shape after a lapse or are new to exercise, building a strong core

it will increase your stability and balance. And with a bonus: You’ll lay the foundation for more advanced moves with confidence as you regain your strength. And no need to go to the gym.

Woman with flat stomach/PEXELS

dog bird crunch

The goal of this exercise is to work your abs, hamstrings, glutes, and shoulders. And since stronger abs don’t develop overnight, you’ll first need to

learn to activate your core. For this essential core exercise for beginners, get on the floor on all fours with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your hips in line with your knees.

Next, reach up with your right hand and extend your arm towards you, keeping it at shoulder height, while simultaneously lifting your left leg and extending it behind you. All

your body should be in a straight line from the fingertips of the right hand to the toes of the left foot. Try to touch your left leg to your right elbow below your stomach and extend your leg and arm again. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Do five repetitions on each side.

Standing Bicycle Crunches

If you hate crunches, this variation is great for beginners. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your hands behind your head. With your core tight, back straight, and shoulders relaxed,

raise your right leg and simultaneously raise your right knee and lower the left elbow so that they touch. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Do five repetitions on each side.

Seated Leg Raise

here you go to

work abs and hamstrings. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Keeping your core engaged, lean back slightly so that you can place your hands on either side of their buttocks. Take a deep breath and lift one leg as high as you can. Hold like this for five seconds and then lower it. Repeat with the other leg and continue to alternate for one minute. Then take a 20 second break. Repeat for five series.


The sole purpose of this

classic exercise is to work the abs to the fullest. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, heels touching the floor, hands on either side of your head, and shoulders dropped and relaxed to avoid neck strain. Keeping your feet on the floor, lie down until your back is flat on the floor or as far as it will go. Go back up and continue for a minute straight. Then take a 20 second break and repeat for five sets.

Woman doing crunches/PEXELS

modified bike crunch

Here you work obliques and rotational muscles. It starts at the

same neutral position as abs, sitting with knees bent, heels flat on the floor and hands on either side of the head. She brings her right knee and left elbow toward each other, with a simple, smooth twist. She returns to the starting position. She completes the movement with her left knee and right elbow. She continues for a minute straight and then takes a 20 second break. She repeats for five sets.

spider crunch

The goal of this exercise is

work lower abs and glutes. This is a good challenge for beginners. Begin in a push-up position with your hands on the floor directly under your shoulders and your legs extended behind you with your toes on the floor so that your body is in a straight line. Raise your right leg and bring your knee to the outside of your right elbow. Return to plank position and repeat the movement with the other leg. Do five repetitions with each leg. If you do it right, you will have passed to another level.

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