Marion Women’s Club to host free wellness event

MARION —“I can’t get to sleep! Is my blood pressure too high? My mom had cancer – will I? What can I do to help my kids cope? What’s life like after cancer?”
These questions and other women’s health topics are at the center of “Women’s Wellness Wednesday,” a free program sponsored by the Marion Women’s Club, in partnership with OhioHealth.
The event is free, open to the public, and will be held June 7 at the Marion Women’s Club Home, 1126 E. Center St., Marion. Guests can enjoy a complimentary lunch and a “Healthy Happy Hour” at 5 p.m. prior to an uplifting, energetic speaker to “empower women” at 6 p.m. Registration is not needed.
“We’d like to invite people to drop in when they can – whether for a morning session, lunch, or our evening guest speaker,” explains Valerie Wigton, Marion Women’s Club president. Sessions begin at 10 a.m. with a “Morning Stretch,” and continue throughout the day, with an invigorating program titled, “Harnessing a Woman’s Wellness” closing the day at 6. High-end door prizes are also featured.
“We want to reach as many women in our community to provide hands-on activities and pertinent health information related to all aspects of life,” she added. “If you only have an hour or two – or the entire day – you’re sure to feel empowered.”
Following an “Morning Stretch,” morning sessions include “Why Can’t I Sleep?” with Megan Conniff, PA-C, with OhioHealth Primary Care and “Cancer Care & Women” featuring Dr. Ewa Mrozek, OhioHealth medical oncologist at OhioHealth Marion Cancer Center, who will address cancers specific to females, including tips, signs, testing, prevention measures, and healthy lifestyle habits.
During the complimentary lunch, guests will hear from eight women cancer survivors during a panel discussion titled, “I’m a Survivor—and So Much More,” followed by “Find your ZEN with Zentangle,” which includes a hands-on stress reduction activity by Women’s Club member Dianne Krumnow.
“Caring for our Kids” follows at 3 p.m. with Katie Herdman, OhioHealth Substance Use Navigator, who will provide tips “for moms, nanas, and other women who often are the primary caregivers for children.” At 4 p.m., Registered Dietitian Natalie Berger presents “What’s a Woman to Eat?” with emphasis on how to replace nutrients often found deficient in women.
In-between sessions, guests can “visit” a variety of Information health-focused booths throughout the historic home. Complimentary blood pressure/glucose checks and neck massages will be offered at no cost.
As part of Women’s Wellness Wednesday, the Marion Women’s Club has partnered with Center Street Community Clinic (CSCC) to identify underserved and/or uninsured women who are eligible for a free mammogram utilizing OhioHealth’s Mobile Mammogram Unit.
Just a few slots remain, but any woman who may qualify for a free mammogram should contact Crystal Slone at CSCC, 740-751-6043.
“At our first Women’s Wellness Wednesday last year, Laurie Snyder, was diagnosed with two forms of breast cancer,” Wigton explained. “She’s told us over and over that she believes ‘the Marion Women’s Club saved her life.’”
Snyder, now a member of the Women’s Club, will be part of the noon panel discussion.
“We are grateful to OhioHealth and to our community partners who have allowed us to provide such an important event for our community,” Wigton noted. “It follows our mission to empower women and enrich our community.”
A “Healthy Happy Hour” begins at 5 p.m. with free light beverages and healthy snacks before the final program at 6 p.m. featuring former Marionite Josh Wagner.
A popular motivational self-care speaker, Wagner will address the challenges women face including balancing multiple roles and responsibilities, while offering solutions that include guide relaxation and visualization.
For details, call/text the Marion Women’s Club (740) 387-1366, visit “The Marion Women’s Club” on Facebook, or
Submitted by the Marion Women’s Club.