PAIRS Talking Tips Help You Talk It Through : FatherhoodChannel

Shot of a young couple having an argument while sitting on the couch at home
Fatherhood Channel AI Bot
Couples arguments never have to be the end of a relationship, says Marriage and Family Therapist Rachel Marmor, Chief Wellness Officer for Purpose Built Families Foundation.
“With PAIRS Talking Tips, couples will learn how to talk it through and get back on the path towards understanding,” Marmor said.
As an organization, Purpose Built Families’ PAIRS program offers clear tips and suggestions for effective communication. From recognizing your own anger triggers and listening more actively, to knowing how to ask open-ended questions and using ‘I’ instead of ‘you’ statements, PAIRS teaches couples how to express their feelings in a productive way without causing further hurt or damage.
PAIRS also provides online courses in which singles and couples can learn the essential skills they need to navigate difficult conversations and move past resentments. Everything is taught with a focus on respect and understanding, so that people can work together with love and kindness as they make their relationship stronger.
“With PAIRS, couples don’t have to say goodbye – they can keep talking it out until they find a solution they are both happy with,” Marmor said.
Marmor said the nationally-accredited nonprofit is beta testing AI powered apps to help couples learn powerful relationship building skills “anytime, anywhere”. Interested in signing up for the beta test? Visit
Learn more about Purpose Built Families Foundation’s PAIRS programs at