Register now to be on Team UNCSA in Mistletoe Run | Fitness tips of the day

The campus community is invited to participate in the Dec. 2 YMCA Mistletoe Run –
for free.
The Mistletoe Run is the YMCA of Northwest North Carolina’s largest fundraiser and
proceeds benefit the children in our community by funding youth programming.
For many years, UNCSA students, faculty and staff have run this race independently.
Now, UNCSA is covering the registration fee for the entire campus community.
Chancellor Cole is committed to promoting healthy lifestyle habits, including nutrition
and fitness. The health and well-being of students, faculty and staff is a critical
component of the UNCSA Strategic Plan.
UNCSA will cover the entry fee* and provide transportation for students from campus
on race day. Registrants will receive a UNCSA Fighting Pickles shirt, and access to
training preparation tips.
*UNCSA will cover the full registration fee for the 1-mile fun run and 5k. Half-marathon
participants will be invoiced a reduced rate from the Mistletoe race organizers.
For more information, read about UNCSA at the 2022 Mistletoe Run.
Contact: Nick Gawlik
Sept. 10 2023
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