
WCA Board Discusses INSGs and Approves Extension of Aqua Fitness Classes

After a successful trial run that concludes Aug. 5, aqua fitness classes will continue through Nov 4.

President Shawn Yesner began the July WCA Board meeting with the resident forum. Scott Stephens, HOA president of the Traditional Townhomes of WPV, said they had submitted a request to the Modifications Committee seeking to install regular K-style gutters. The request was denied, he said, even though there are 145 buildings in WPV with those gutters. The board explained the MOD Committee incorrectly approved requests for K-style gutters without consulting the Individual Neighborhood Section Guidelines (INSGs). Director Eric Holt said another modification had been approved incorrectly in a different neighborhood, and the only remedy was to update the INSGs.

Association Manager Debbie Sainz added that because the Traditional Townhomes HOA is a sub-association, its board could vote to make the change in lieu of polling residents.

Director Dale Sells, who served on the MOD committee for 12 years, said the committee consists of seven volunteers who review approximately 30 requests every two weeks. Although they do their best, they make mistakes occasionally.

“Multiple residents have had these approved,” said Nicole Gitney, VP of the Traditional Townhomes HOA. “We feel like we’ve been singled out. We’re being unfairly treated.”

Sells assured Gitney no one was being singled out, and expressed his frustration at the fact that the WPV INSGs hadn’t been updated since 1998. Yesner said their concern was part of a larger issue regarding INSGs, which would be addressed later in the agenda.

Yesner then called the meeting to order. Board Member Michele DelSordo joined via phone, and Jack Maurer was absent.

The board addressed the Nathan Lafer Community Service Award, an issue raised at the VM meeting earlier in the week. Several suggestions were made, and Woodbridge VM Rick Goldstein asked if the topic could be tabled until after his neighborhood’s Aug. 23 annual meeting. Lafer lived in Woodbridge before he passed away, said Goldstein, adding he would like to discuss the matter with Lafer’s former neighbors before a final decision. The board agreed.

In his Treasurer’s Report, Sells stated the WCA has invested $750,000 of reserve funds and $150,000 in appropriated funds in CDs and a T-Bill through the Bank Ozk Trust and Wealth division. He also stated as of June 30 actual revenue exceeds actual expenditures by $2453, which means that income and expenses have stayed quite close to budget.

In his GAC report, Holt said Frontier has agreed to remove the obsolete square legacy boxes throughout Westchase and would repair the sod where each box is removed.

Sainz reported that the total number of residents requesting email notifications now exceeds 1,500. Facilities Manager Dwight Kilgore mentioned that the current head lifeguard wants to earn a certification that would enable him to work in the engine room. Echeverry moved that the board should cover the costs of any head lifeguard to take the course online, with the caveat that if the employee leaves within six months of course completion, they would have to reimburse the board. Her motion passed unanimously.

Turning back to INSGs, Yesner said he felt that the board should agree upon a path that allowed INSGs to be updated in a timely manner without being cost prohibitive. He added that all 3,500 Westchase homeowners must be notified prior to an INSG change, but those mailings cost a few thousand dollars each time. As a result, the board had previously voted to allow changes twice a year.

Recently, homeowners had encountered anomalies in the INSGs they wanted to address on an expedited basis, continued Yesner. Sells suggested using the WOW to notify homeowners who reside in Westchase and mailing only to non-resident owners. Yesner said he would consult with legal counsel to be sure that that was permissible.

Sells made a motion that moving forward, standard procedure would be for VMs to consider guideline changes in July and January, but that they would expedite the current issues (including the gutters in WPV) to address them as soon as was reasonable. His motion passed unanimously.

Yesner asked the board members whether they wanted to plan a Back-to-School party at the Village pool either on Saturday, August 5 or Saturday, August 12. Echeverry offered to reach out to local restaurants about sponsorships and asked how much money was in the association’s social budget. Sainz said she would find out.

The aqua fitness program being held twice each week at the Village pool has been successful so far, said Yesner. He shared that he had received a proposal from instructor Linda Senkowicz to extend the program from August 7 through November 4.

Because the fitness classes are being held prior to the pool’s regularly scheduled opening hours, Holt expressed concern that the association may be losing money due to the need for additional lifeguards during class time. Sainz said the amount that Senkowicz was being charged likely was not covering the additional personnel expenses incurred. The board discussed whether to increase Senkowicz’s usage fee but disagreed when to do so.

Sells moved to accept Senkowicz’s proposal as submitted, with the understanding that they would inform Senkowicz that her fee may increase next year to accommodate the added personnel. The motion passed 4-2, with Holt and Board Member Jim Brinker voting against it.

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