7 Women Share Their Unexpected Tricks To Finally Lose Belly Fat

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably experienced that the areas you don’t want lose volumefat is lost very quickly while others like the gut, there is no way to lower it.
But it does not have to be like that.
Since belly fat is so stubborn, we’ve gone straight to the women who have gotten rid of it. excess weight in the abdomen to find out exactly how they got it. Follow their advice and get closer to your goals.
“I started attending fitness competitions”
After having three children, Shantea Johnson felt scruffy and wanted to lose weight from her tummy and hips. “Honestly, she had no idea how she could pull off this feat, but she was determined,” she says. “Coincidentally, a friend introduced me to the world of competitive fitness, and I started working with a trainer who taught me the importance of nutrition and how it relates to getting the results I wanted.”
Shantea quit soda and started eating five to six small meals and structured up to date; each meal contained protein, a complex carbohydrate, and vegetables. Shantea went from weighing 150 pounds in June 2012 to 120 pounds in October 2012 after adjust your nutrition, working out five to six days a week and completing abs-focused workouts two days a week. “To my surprise, my transformation revealed abs like I’ve never seen in my life,” says Shantea.
She also competed in her first fitness competition and placed third. She continues to participate in fitness competitions and, at At 42, he has managed to maintain his weight.
“I started hula hooping”
For Cori Magnotta, losing weight was a game. To get in shape, she hula-hoops for 30 minutes straight at least five days a week, using the FXP Hula Hoop, which weighs a pound to make the exercise more demanding. “I watch TV while hula hooping and challenge myself to add arm movements during commercials,” she says. Over the course of 11 months, he lost a total of 23 kilos and toned his belly. Cori says that she also left the sodas behind. She used to drink about four cans of Coca-Cola a day, but now she only drinks water. She fills a liter jug every morning and she makes it a point to finish drinking it by the end of the day.
“I started doing HIIT workouts”
After having three children in two years, Kate Glazer put on more weight than she thought. She got to the point where she didn’t even recognize herself in the photos. “If I hadn’t known what she was wearing that day, I wouldn’t have recognized myself,” she says. To change, she began to watch more what she ate and to take walks in her neighborhood. But as winter approached in Baltimore, she had to bring her workouts indoors. She began working out on a Bowflex Max Trainer machine, on which did high intensity interval training (HIIT) which, according to her, allowed her to get rid of abdominal fat. She has lost 18 kilos in the course of her trip.
“I perfected my abs”
In college, Dorothy Beal was overweight and coveted Britney Spears’ abs, so she started eating healthier finding out what foods he was intolerant of and learning how to get more out of his exercises. One trainer also noted that Dorothy’s abs could be more effective by tilting her pelvis up so that her back was flat on the floor. She also practices pilates and yoga.
“I stopped drinking alcohol”
During her freshman year of college, McKenzie Maxson picked up some unhealthy nighttime habits. Sugary and alcoholic drinks, followed by junk food, left her with a hangover and bloating the next day. He noticed the weight gain, especially in the stomach and lower back. But when he went on vacation with the family, he resumed his healthier habits, like going for an early morning run instead of going for muffins and coffee, and began to abstain from alcohol. After six months without drinking, he lost his “alcohol belly” and the five kilos he had gained. He now only drinks on special occasions and prefers a glass of wine or a simple cocktail, like a vodka soda, to sugary drinks.