Ana Valentina Macías Zamora wins Top Fitness Star – El Sol de Tlaxcala

Ana Valentina Macías Zamora is the new revelation of physicoconstructivism from Tlaxcala.
Don’t stop reading: ➡️Chiautempan, home of the Top Fitness Star
The young woman from Tlaxcala, a pupil of Laura Hernández, won the Top Fitness Star bodybuilding and fitness event.
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At the event, which brought together 62 athletes from Tlaxcala, Mexico City and Veracruz, Macías Zamora won the Bikini Juvenile and Bikini Novatas categories, which gave her the absolute title.
This was his first competition, Therefore, there are also good expectations for Mr. Tlaxcala, which is where the absolute title of the state is sought, commented Laura Hernández.
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I prepared Valentina in four weeks, this was a pre, since her strong event will be Mr. Tlaxcala, said the state champion, who in her work as a coach has 50 students in the state capital.
Ana Valentina is A high school student, he is 18 years old and is from the new generation of bodybuilding athletes.
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At Top Fitness Star, an event organized by Benito Vázquez Juárez, the absolute winners were: in Bikini, Ana Valentina Macías Zamora; in Absolute Wellness: Wendy Nolasco González and in Absolute Newbies: Julio César Maltaron.
This was the second edition of said competition.