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Celebrate Fitness: Strong arms and core with Elsa Pataky’s 12-minute workout

We love the workout routines you follow

Elsa Pataky, because in sight it is that they give good results. It is true that she has all the time in the world to do other things that also shape her figure, such as surfing or horseback riding, but she also has to do other, more specific types of exercises to

tone your muscles and, fortunately, we can follow them on social networks.

Especially through the profile of Centr, the fitness and healthy living application that she created in 2019 with her husband.

Chris Hemsworthwhere we have been able to see other routines such as the one he followed to exercise his arms for his role in the movie Interceptor or his

exercises favorites to get toned legs.

Elsa Pataky posing with a black swimsuit for the Gioseppo shoe firm. /

@Elsa Pataky

And in the Instagram profile of this application is where we have seen this training routine of only

12 minutes to strengthen the entire core area and arms. It is supervised by the fitness expert

Alexz Parvi and to do it you will only need dumbbells of 2 kilos at most, material that is easy to have at home if you like to exercise in your spare time.

The good thing about these types of routines is that they are

easily adaptable to our pace of life, since they do not need any space machine that you only find in gyms and you can fit it into your day to day even if you do not have much time, since it is easy to scratch 12 minutes off the clock.

Exercises of the 12-minute routine to activate the core and arms

It’s just about

four exercises that you must perform for 40 seconds in a row resting 20 seconds between each of them. You must complete three rounds in total, so the time taken should not exceed 12 minutes. Form

easy and fast to exercise the core and arms.

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Knee touches in the air

How it’s done: Get into a four-legged position with your arms straight and your hands under your shoulders with a dumbbell in each hand and your knees hip-width apart. From this position and with the tips of your feet resting on the ground, raise your knees and lower them again until they almost touch the ground but without actually supporting them.

Shoulder press and knee flexion

How it’s done: Sit on your heels with the balls of your feet flat on the floor, your torso straight, and your hands resting on your shoulders with a dumbbell in each hand and elbows out. Raise your buttocks until your torso is straight, supporting your weight on your knees while raising your arms above your head until they are fully flexed. As you go down to the starting position, also lower your arms until they are as they were at the beginning, resting on your shoulders.

Bicep Knee Combo

How it’s done: The starting position is almost like the previous one, sitting on your heels with the balls of your feet resting on the floor, but this time, the arms should be on both sides of the body with the elbows bent at a 45 degree angle and a dumbbell. in each hand with the palm facing the ceiling. Raise the body and, when you are in the highest position, bring the hands towards the shoulders to return to the previous position and lower until the buttocks touch the heels. Repeat.

Russian twists with rotation

How it’s done: Sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent, resting your heels on the floor and your hands together in front of your chest with a dumbbell in each and your elbows slightly bent. Next, rotate your torso to the side while bringing that elbow to the ground, accompanying the movement with your eyes. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

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