Baby Care

Choose The Right Products For Your Baby’s Delicate Skin in Humid Weather

Special care during the monsoon season is essential when the baby’s skin is more prone to rashes due to sensitivity to moisture in the air. As the monsoon season sets in, it brings with it a unique set of challenges for parents when it comes to taking care of their baby’s delicate skin. The increased humidity, dampness, and occasional outbreaks of skin infections make it crucial to adopt a specialised skincare routine. To help parents navigate this monsoon season with confidence, Priyanka Raina, founder, Maate, a premium wellness brand, shares insights on maintaining optimal baby skincare during this challenging season.

  1. Keep Skin Clean
    Regularly bathe your baby with lukewarm water to remove any accumulated sweat, dirt or grime. Pay special attention to skin folds, such as the neck, armpits, thigh and diaper area. Pat the skin gently dry using a soft towel, ensuring no moisture is trapped in the folds.
  2. Choosing the right products
    Opt for gentle, dermatologically tested products which are specially formulated for babies. At Maate, the products are focused on efficacy rather than cosmetic allure. The high-quality and chemical-free products by Maate ensure holistic wellness for the children. The Baby Body Washes and Baby Shampoo at Maate are made with plant-based formulas and infused with specially researched Ayurvedic ingredients.
  3. Diaper Hygiene
    Change diapers frequently to prevent excessive moisture buildup, which can lead to diaper rash. Use high-quality, absorbent diapers, preferably soft muslin or soft cotton and apply a thin layer of diaper rash cream with each change to protect the skin from irritation and rashes. The diaper rash cream and baby powder by Maate are perfect for these situations as they are made from a powerful formulation of Vetiver, Avocado Oil and Olive derived squalane and will provide your baby with the right care and comfort.
  4. Keeping the skin dry and protected
    Keeping a baby’s skin dry during the monsoon season is essential to prevent various skin issues caused by moisture and humidity. After bathing or when your baby gets wet, gently pat their skin dry using a soft towel, using Maate’s baby powder to protect sensitive skin from infections.

By following these essential skincare tips, parents can ensure their baby’s skin remains healthy, nourished, and protected during the monsoon season. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in maintaining your baby’s skin’s natural glow and well-being.

Swati ChaturvediSwati Chaturvedi loves to write about everything lifestyle. From food to travel …Read More

first published: July 09, 2023, 21:35 IST

last updated: July 09, 2023, 21:45 IST

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