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DreamFit grows in Bilbao and adds an old Holiday Gym in Móstoles with an investment of 6.5 million

DreamFit grows again in Spain with an investment of more than 6.5 million euros in two projects. The first will open at the beginning of 2024 in Móstoles, where it will allocate approximately 3 million euros to remodel an old Holiday Gym. It is about a club that Virgin Active once operated, and that the Madrid chain closed a year ago. On the other hand, he has bought a place in the Torre Bolueta in Bilbao in which he will carry out a work of more than 3.5 million euros, as he has learned 2playbook.

The Móstoles project will be the tenth center to operate in Madrid and the 24th in its network. This facility will be located in the second most populous municipality in the Community of Madrid, and will employ approximately 20 people. It will have about 4,000 square meters and will be located in the La Fuensanta shopping center. The forecast is that the center will be operational in January 2024, before three other projects that the chain has in process, although without a fixed opening date: L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) and Córdoba, facing the end of 2024, and Coslada (Madrid). With these projects, the chain will have 27 facilities in Spain.

Rafael Cecilio, president of Dreamfit, has stated that he is “very happy and excited to offer the people of Mostola a new gym from our chain, in which we will incorporate all the latest innovations and technology that we have implemented in the openings of the last year, and that have turned to Dreamfit in the referent of the fitness rooms in Spain and in Europe”.

It will be the first opening made by the chain since May 2022, when he started a club in Parla. This was added to those that opened in San Sebastián de los Reyes and Vitoria, for a total of three new gyms in 2022. At the end of 2021 it also opened in Barakaldo (Bilbao). AND in the Biscayan capital is where it will also open throughout 2024. There he has bought a place in the Torre Bolueta, where he will invest more than 3.5 million euros to build a club of around 3,000 square meters. With these projects and the ones he has planned for later in Barcelona, ​​Córdoba and Coslada, he will add 28 clubs in the country.

Low cost gym chain closed last year with the highest sales in its history: 28.9 million euros, 49% more. This figure represents a growth of 23% compared to the pre-pandemic period, 2019, when 23.5 million turned. Of course, then it operated 17 gyms, three of which were recently opened, for the 23 centers that DreamFit had at the end of 2022.

Compared to the same number of centers it had before the pandemic, Dreamfit closed the same year with 20% fewer users, although it started with 30% fewer. The chain’s forecast is to maintain this speed of recovery and end 2023 with 10% fewer partners like for like compared to 2019.

At the beginning of 2023, the company expected to approach 34 million euros in 2023but the good prospects for the remainder of the year after having signed a good first quarter raise the forecasts to 38 million euros. In 2019 it reached 90,000 subscribers, achieving an average per center close to 5,300 members, for the 4,100 members per club that it currently has.

Of the 23 gyms that it currently has, 9 are in the Community of Madrid; two in Barcelona, ​​and the rest are distributed among the provinces of Álava, Vizcaya, Zaragoza, Seville, Valencia, Segovia, Castellón, La Rioja, Asturias, Alicante and Las Palmas.

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