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fitness: Progressive overload, the training with which to increase muscle mass without injuring yourself


progressive resistance training it involves gradually increasing the intensity or difficulty of workouts rationally over time. This way, you can boost the development of muscle mass and strength while avoiding the risk of injury and feeling better about yourself.

Training with the progressive overload method usually involves choosing a goal,

exercising at a comfortable but challenging level and then slowly increase the intensity of the workouts over time. This may involve decreasing rest periods or adding more weight, repetitions, or sets.

If you are new to progressive resistance training, it is very helpful to start working with a personal trainer to ensure that you are using the

proper technique and progress safely. Too rapid a charge buildup can cause injury, exhaustion, and frustration. Just what you don’t want.

What is progressive resistance training?

Progressive resistance training is a type of strength training that involves

gradually increase the intensity or difficulty of workouts with the passage of time and your own progress. The goal is to maximize results by regularly challenging the body.

Strategic muscle stress maximizes the

strength gains and minimizes the chance of injury and exhaustion. However, when attempting progressive resistance training, it is important to follow a good plan. This prevents a person from increasing weight or intensity too quickly on days when they feel good, and also boosts progress by ensuring you know what to do at the gym or at home every day.

As a general rule, a person should try to keep increases in time, weight, or intensity at

10% or less each week. This allows the body to adapt slowly while minimizing the risk of injury. Gradual increases challenge the body while preventing plateaus in muscle growth.

Weight gain and duration

A person’s progressive resistance training plan will vary depending on their

goals and starting fitness level. It could be increasing the weight you can lift, the number of repetitions you can do, or the length of your exercise session. It all depends on how you feel and your goals.

The gradual application of additional tension in the muscles causes

break, rebuild and strengthen. Increasing the weight a person lifts to exercise is a way of overloading the muscles and forcing them to accept the challenge, leading to an effective increase in muscle mass if planned well.

Increasing the duration of a workout helps a person to

develop resistance. This can improve both cardiovascular fitness and strength. If the focus is cardiovascular training, it may be helpful to steadily increase the length of your sessions. For example, you can try running, biking, or swimming an extra 15 minutes a week.

Strength and Cardio Training

If you are strength training, you can build muscular endurance by increasing the number of repetitions but maintaining the same weight. For its part, increasing the intensity or pace of an exercise session can

improve fitness. You can achieve this by exercising at a faster pace or taking shorter breaks between sets.

Woman training on barre/PEXELS

If a person is doing cardiovascular training, they can

increase intensity by adding intervals. This may involve alternating between sprinting for 30 seconds and jogging for 60 seconds. And if you’re less focused on cardio, another option is to use lighter weights but lift them at a faster pace.

Benefits and risks

The main benefit of progressive resistance training is

avoid a plateau in muscle mass and strength. When a person performs the same workouts with the same amount of weight, he may reach a point where the exercise is not challenging, so he no longer sees results. Progressive resistance training helps prevent this by slowly increasing the intensity of your workouts, forcing the body to adapt and allowing for steady progress.

As with any type of strength training, there is a risk of injury when performing progressive overload exercises. Therefore, it is important

use proper technique when lifting weights and gradually increase the intensity to avoid strain or injury. It is also important to keep in mind that everyone’s limits are different. You should listen to your body and progress at a pace that is comfortable for you.

“The civilization and culture of the people depend on the education of women” – Carmen de Burgos, writer

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