fitness: The best isometric ab exercises to get a strong core

Strengthening your core is one of the best ways to build a foundation for a healthy body. In particular, the exercises
isometric abs they can provide your core with new challenges that will break the monotony of your traditional core workouts. Planks, warrior pose or bear grip are perfect to start with.
Really, anyone can do isometric abdominal exercises. And it’s like a sneak attack on your core because it often doesn’t feel like an ab workout at first. Besides,
you will work the postural muscles the same way they work in everyday life and in some sports that require slowing down and resisting movement. Here are some of the best.
The most basic isometric abdominal exercise is a plank. It has many variations, and they all work your body in slightly different ways. The basic one begins by placing the
forearms on the floor with elbows directly under shoulders. Your forearms should be parallel and your palms down.
Bring your feet back so that your legs are straight behind you and
balance on the balls of your feet. Form a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core and squeeze your glutes to avoid arching your lower back or lifting your hips into the air. Press into your shoulders to form a dome in your upper back instead of dipping into your shoulder blades.
Woman doing plank/PEXELS
Then you have the
High griddle. Assume a pushup position with your hands placed under your shoulders, arms straight, and feet together. Squeeze your glutes and core (imagine someone is about to punch you in the stomach) so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
And then you have the
side plank. Get into a high plank position and shift your weight to the outside edge of your right foot and into your right hand. Rotate your hips and shoulders so they are aligned to the side. Place your left foot on top of your right and raise your left arm toward the ceiling so that your shoulders are on top of each other. Engage your core and glutes to keep your body stable, straight from head to hips to heels. Repeat in the other side.
bear step
This is another isometric ab exercise that involves standing
on all fours. The position variation will really get your abs going. Get into a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Your head should be neutral in relation to your spine.
Make sure your lower back is flat, your neck long, and your abs contracted. Tuck your toes in and press your hands into the floor to lift your knees a couple of inches off the floor.
Tighten your core and hold, remembering to breathe evenly. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
Hollow Body Clamp
This exercise can be extremely challenging, but it is very simple to adjust it so that
suit your own fitness level. Lie on your back with your arms and legs extended toward the ceiling, engage your abs, and press your lower back into the floor as you lift your shoulders off the floor.
Women doing an iron/PEXELS
Slowly lower your arms and legs to the floor,
keeping the center contracted and lower back on the floor. Hold this position as you squeeze your abs and press your lower back into the floor. Finally, rest and then repeat.
warrior III
This pose will strengthen your core and also
it will activate your buttocks and legs. Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart and arms at your sides. Shift your weight onto your right leg and lift your left knee slightly toward your chest, making sure to keep your hips level.
Shift your weight forward and lower your chest as you extend your left leg behind you. Your feet should be flexed with your toes pointing toward the floor. keep your
body in a straight line while trying to keep your upper body and back leg parallel to the floor.
Adjust your hips so that your
pelvis is parallel to the floor. Your right leg should be as straight as possible. To help with your balance, you can keep your arms by the sides of your legs, place them in a prayer position in front of your chest, or extend them directly in front of you. Hold for 30 seconds and reverse the movement to return to your feet and repeat on the other side.