FITNESS TO LOSE WEIGHT: The best exercises to lose weight according to Harvard

Harvard University carries out different studies with the sole objective of encouraging us to lead a healthier life. If they had already told us on another occasion about what the perfect breakfast should be like, they introduced the Harvard plate into our diets to help us eat in a balanced way and they even advised us on the best exercises to strengthen the abdomen from the age of 50, now they want you to know which are the best sports disciplines to achieve
lose weight.
It sure sounds like you. Harvard had already told us about the best exercises to lose weight after 50, but if you haven’t followed them yet, the recommendations change. The first thing they advise you is to try different disciplines until you find an activity that motivates you so that you can
become a habit. Thus, although what moves you initially is to lose weight, you will continue doing it when you achieve your goal because it is fun and you feel better.
These are the seven
exercises What Harvard University recommends to achieve weight loss
healthy (and never get it back).
Woman stretching before swimming. /
The seven exercises recommended by Harvard to lose weight
Walking heeding his advice
in your post
Walking for Healththe experts from Harvard University gave us several guidelines to follow so that our walk makes us lose more
calories: add weight to our body (so you can burn 12% more calories), walk uphill (you consume 13% more), make speed changes and combine it with strength exercises.
strength training
Strength training is essential, as the
muscle You burn more calories than fat to do your normal activity, so it’s easier to maintain weight when you have a working musculature, explains Dr. Lee, a professor at the University of California School of Medicine.
But this doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym to lift.
dumbbells. To keep your muscles strong, it will be enough to work with your own
body weight doing exercises like planks (one of the most recommended by Harvard) or burpees, which manages to consume up to 300 calories in 30 minutes.
Swimming is one of Harvard’s recommended exercises for those over 50, but it’s beneficial at any age. Refering to
weightlossIt will depend on your own weight, the chosen style (butterfly is the one that burns the most calories) and the speed, but you can consume between 300 and 700 calories.
Woman riding a bicycle. /
According to Harvard University, riding a bike for 30 minutes can help you burn almost 300 calories. In addition, you will work the muscles of the
lower body and we have already told you before that muscle burns more calories than fat.
Yoga to avoid emotional hunger
“By improving mindfulness, the
yoga decreases stress eating and binge eating,” they explain from Harvard. Yoga helps balance mental health, sleep, and hormonal changes, making it easier to avoid
uncontrollable hunger spikes that attack us between hours.
According to Harvard Medical School, with 30 minutes of dancing you can burn around 112 calories. “The
consistency it’s key. Start by choosing activities you enjoy and do them for at least 150 minutes each week,” advises
Dr Willettone of the experts of the center.
racket sports
“In addition to being a good
cardio workout, they can help with upper and lower body strength at the same time,” explains Vijay A. Daryanani, a physical therapist at Spaulding, a Harvard-affiliated center. Exercises such as tennis or paddle tennis increase aerobic capacity, help
burn calories and increase our cardiovascular capacity, but we must take care of the technique to avoid injuries.