More than a hundred neighbors participated in the Fitness meeting in the “Lucho” Fernández

Written in LOCAL he
The cold of the day this Saturday did not scare away the desire and half a hundred people joined the fitness meeting that was held at the Luis “Lucho” Fernández gym.
Neighbors of all ages participated, who see in this type of proposal the way to combat a sedentary lifestyle and maintain health. There were classes of different disciplines such as rhythms, step, aerobics, among others.
Rodrigo Núñez, physical trainer of the Department of Sports, said that “it was a proposal that we made so that people leave the house, have fun and do physical activity. We took advantage of the fact that it was a little cool to invite them to take classes in different disciplines,” he said.
He highlighted the important attendance and the accompaniment of gym trainers from the city who have joined the proposal: “I want to thank my colleagues who participate and do their bit with the best vibes,” he said. “People, nowadays , he turns a lot to gyms, mainly to disciplines such as group fitness.
It is good to bring this free proposal on weekends, because there are also people who cannot attend any gym during the week. In this way, we offer you this possibility to move, especially on cold days when you cannot go for a run or walk. Boys, young people, adults and even some older adults have come ”, he recounted.