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‘My 11-year-old son was shown a horror film rated 15 at school – and now he can’t sleep’

A mum is considering complaining to her son’s new high-school after he watched a horror film trailer in class – and has been left unable to sleep since seeing it

She wants to complain to the school (Stock Photo)(Getty Images)

A mum has been left furious after her 11-year-old son was shown an “inappropriate” film trailer at school leaving him unable to sleep. Starting a new school, she was happy her son settled in well – but now has been miffed after her son watched a trailer for a film she wouldn’t usually want him to see.

Having been shown the film trailer for the horror film The Woman In Black in a drama class, which is rated 15, so naturally the woman and her partner are annoyed that he has been exposed to it. Describing her son as having an “overactive imagination”, she is frustrated her son is now having disrupted sleep from the school activity.

Sharing that her partner wants to “complain to the school” she sought opinions online from other mums and took to Mumsnet to share her ordeal. She wondered whether they should complain or if it’s something they should “just get over” despite being cautious of what they let their son watch.

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She wrote: “My son has just started year seven. All going well, loves his new school and is very settled. In drama class last week, the teacher told them the theme for this half term was something about haunted houses. She then showed them the trailer for The Woman in Black.

“My husband and I eye rolled each other as soon as we heard this as we knew what was going to happen….no surprise, he has been unable to sleep alone since seeing this. We are very careful about anything he watches as he has an overactive imagination, is easily scared and sleep is easily disrupted.

“My husband is annoyed at having another disturbed night with our son and thinks we should complain to the school. Do you think we should complain and say this is inappropriate to show to 11 and 12-year-olds, or at least parents should have been warned that this was going to be shown? Or would you say it’s a non-issue, get over it, he’s just an over-sensitive child?”

However many mums were quick to comment that the mum needs to expose her son to these things, especially as he is now in high school. One Mumsnet user wrote: “You need to slowly start introducing your ds [dear son] to these things. Seems oversensitive to me. The majority of year 7s would be fine. You can’t shelter him forever. Woman in black is often a text studied in English class too. Complain but you’ll become ‘that parent’ and will have people eyeballing when they read the email,” although another mum suggested: “I wouldn’t complain. But I would maybe do a ‘heads up’ to the teacher. ‘The trailer you showed DS gave him sleepless nights. Please can you give us a warning if you are going to show anything else similar’.”

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