Protein flan, the fat-burning dessert that is taking the fitness world by storm

Now in summer we fancy cold things, and in order not to neglect our line we have rich and low in calories that we can take daily without fear of gaining weight.
The first thing that we usually banish when we seek to lose weight are desserts and sugary products. There is a false belief that losing weight means stopping enjoying the best part of food. And yes, it is false because there are a multitude of recipes that will allow you to continue enjoying dessert while losing weight and taking care of your diet.
Today we bring you a delicious protein flan recipe which, in addition to being a powerful fat burner, will help you satisfy the sweet tooth while you continue with your diet to lose weight.
It is a low-calorie dessert that is used to maintain shape, as well as to gain muscle mass and that you can have ready in just 3 minutes.