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Stay in shape with the 5 best fitness apps this summer

The months leading up to summer are exhausting. We spend weeks working twice as hard to be able to take vacation days and following a strict training routine to stay in shape and thus look and feel good. But what happens when we can finally spend the day at the beach or in the pool? That we acquired the habit of not taking care of ourselves.

Of course we have to rest and enjoy ourselves: eat what we want, throw ourselves on the deck chair doing nothing or drink the odd cocktail. But we must always remember that the key to enjoyment is in balance. It is important to continue eating healthy when we can and, above all, to move. This is the only way to preserve our muscle gains, but also so that the return to reality in September does not make us so uphill.

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For this reason, we have gathered the best fitness applications so that this summer you can move wherever and whenever, regardless of whether or not you have access to a gym.


With over 350 custom exercises and workouts, Freeletics allows us to maintain and improve our strength anywhere. The coach of the application will design your training according to the objectives you have; and, in addition, you can choose if you want to use equipment or not, depending on the facilities you have.

There is the option to choose the duration of each training, which can range from 15 minutes to an hour. You will be able to modify your type of training according to how you progress, and you will also have access to nutritional guides, tips and recipes.

Nike Training Club

The Nike application has been one of the most recommended among athletes for years. If there is something that characterizes Nike Training Club, it is the flexibility it allows, since we can follow their classes anywhere: at home, in the gym or even outdoors.

Its catalog of free classes, with a duration of between 5 and 50 minutes, is increasingly extensive. Includes a wide variety of training: HIIT, yoga, strength, cardio and mobility. You also have the option of being able to design your own training plan, with multi-week programs or individual classes, and thus organize your calendar.

They guide their workouts through videos with their so-called Master Trainers, thanks to which you can make sure that your posture when doing the exercises is correct.


If you are one of those people who does not stop, even on vacation, Seven is the perfect application for you. As its name suggests, it provides us with workouts of just 7 minutes, so you can stay in shape throughout the summer. Because, we all have 7 free minutes in the day, right?

Whether it’s as soon as you get up, during the break after lunch, or at the end of the afternoon when you come back from the beach, you no longer have an excuse not to do sports! The method is based on small circuits of 15 exercises performed in series of 30 seconds, with ten seconds of rest between them.


Available for both mobile and smart watches, Jetfit also allows you to customize your workouts depending on whether you are at home or in the gym. It contains videos and audios that explain the exercises perfectly, which will help us prevent injuries. You can choose between a free basic program, or the Elite, paid.

According to its users, the best thing about the app is its progress monitoring. It controls the training time and contains personalized graphs that show us our progress in the weight we lift. Thus, it also allows us to enter our measurements, and tells us how long each muscle should rest.

Nike Run Club

For anyone who refuses to lock themselves up to do sports at home or in the gym during their vacations, there will always be the option of running to stay in shape. Nike designed the Nike Run Club app to not only encourage everyone to run regularly, but also to create a community around the sport.

To motivate their runners, they launch individual weekly or monthly challenges and exclusive guides are available with Headspace, a meditation platform, that will help you practice running and mindfulness at the same time. There is also the option to access your statistics to see how you improve week after week.

It contains the option to personalize your running sessions, and you can program the routes yourself according to where you are: running along the seafront, along a rural path or through the city. Is there a better way to know your destination? vacation?

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