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Taylor Swift has the fitness routine for a figure of steel on stage

Taylor Swift continues to rock their international tour The Eras Tour, and we couldn’t be more excited to have the opportunity to hear our favorite songs live! But that’s not all, because we can also see all the bright and glamorous outfits that the singer wears in a spectacular way and that reveal her healthy silhouette.

Your secret? A fitness routine that combines dance and high intensity exercises. If you’re dying to know what kind of workout he does every day, keep reading, because we’re going to reveal it all!


One of the favorite activities of Taylor Swift is running. Every morning the singer walks miles to keep her legs strong, while she takes advantage of the cardiovascular benefits of this activity to improve her stamina and keep her heart healthy. The best? the running It is also highly beneficial for increasing mood and mental health, since it activates neurotransmitters related to well-being.

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Running also allows Taylor to be in good physical condition for each show.


When in New York, Tay-Tay has been seen attending the Body by Simone studio, founded by personal trainer and former Broadway dancer Simone De La Rue (@simonedelarue.official). The BBS method combines cardio based dance moves with light weights, allowing Swift to improve her flexibility, balance and posture to shine onstage while performing her iconic choreographies. We want to practice it!


After warming up very well with a cycling session, the Midnights interpreter performs several Exercise with weights depending on the area of ​​the body you want to work on. Thus, for the arms does biceps curl, triceps extension, and dumbbell lateral raise. To tone your legs Perform stunts, lunges, and clamshells.

On the other hand, he also practices a series of sit-ups and isometric planks to keep your core strong. And when it comes to glute work, the superstar likes to practice deep squats, kickbacks, and lunges. In addition, she practices a high-intensity routine that is made up of jumping jacks, push upburpees, side kicks, bird dog, back bows and crunches.

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It also complements the training with a balanced diet and continuous hydration.

The Taylor Swift fitness routine it is a balanced combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training and flexibility. These activities help keep her stamina up, but her dedication is everything. Without a doubt, the singer is an inspiration for the swifties around the world who are also looking to stay healthy!

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