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The exercise of the Spartans that you will not be able to do

                  The Spartan army was certainly the most feared in Classical Greece. In fact, it was said that one Spartan soldier was worth several of the enemy. They fought in phalanx formation, in a single line with a depth of between 8 and 12 men. Trained since childhood with military training, this exercise that we found on instagram was one that Leónidas and the famous 300 of him performed almost daily. Lots of cardio, stamina and power work and of course skills with the sword, spear and Spartan shield.

                  The Spartan exercise that you will not be able to do

                  The exercise consists of throwing a pair of spears at a wooden wall in order to climb over it without the need for antlers. Place the spears at different heights to use them as a climbing handhold. So simple and so difficult at the same time. It will test your lower body power and then your core/abs endurance and upper body strength to get you over the obstacle.

                  So to overcome this challenge it is essential that you have really strong abs; do specific exercises and lots of strength training.

                  Roberto Cabezas is a specialist in fitness, CrossFit, bodybuilding, training material, nutrition and sports supplementation at Men’s Health Spain.

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