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about mens sana in corpore sinus It is something that can be taken lightly but that becomes very important as you accumulate years. Not only physical health counts: combining various exercises also helps (and a lot) to take care of your head.
My partner Pedro Aznar told us about his impressions last year, and although he cannot boast of his marks when it comes to running, I have been able to verify how Apple Fitness+ has shown me that my day to day can improve if I make the effort to stick to an exercise routine. Even if it’s minimal.
Apple Fitness+ tunes your body and balances your mind
Pedro likes to run in the morning, it is his way of “activating” before starting a day. I go the other way: I have very little time in the morning to be able to dedicate it to exercising, but I do like “deactivate” my body and my mind just after my work hours so that you can approach the last hours of the day with more calm and relaxation.
Getting tired makes the stress accumulated in my working days (which are not short, since I have two jobs) suddenly loosen up, go away with the fatigue and after a shower I only notice that fatigue and more calm. Less noise in my head.
Exercising takes a lot of “noise” out of my head, which is perfect for me before dinner
The little time I have to be able to do that means that I can’t join a gym. Or I could, but then I would get home so late that I would have to cut time from my leisure hours (which are already too few) or directly from hours of sleep. And I refuse, because sleep is as important as exercise.
What do I do then? Well I use Apple Fitness+ to challenge myself with two big types of exercise: cardio/HIIT or strength. Depending on my work schedule, I alternate between these two forms of exercise. When I have cardio, I go for a run. If it rains, I stay at home doing one of Fitness+’s HIIT workouts. Strength-wise I don’t do much: I started my Apple service workouts using 2kg dumbbells and now I’ve moved up to 4kg dumbbells. The only thing I need besides those dumbbells is a floor mat. In addition to the television on which I put the exercise sessions, of course.
I come from a time when I have not been able to follow this routine too much and I have noticed it a lot. I have put on three kilos, I feel lazier and the floats of my belly make more and more appearances. Soon I have a restorative vacation in which the main objective will be to recover that good exercise routine. And it is that you realize the importance of that exercise not when you do it, but when you stop doing it. Fitness helps a lot with that by reminding you of what’s new and what you’ve achieved through the Health app.
It’s not becoming an athlete: it’s looking for a routine and understanding the benefits
Social media, like these three tweets above, show that there are Apple Fitness+ users who are noticing these benefits, too. Records of persistence, running distances, calories burned in a single session… small big achievements that perhaps for a sedentary worker can be important milestones.
It is for all this that I do not even consider joining a gym: the 9.99 euros per month for Apple Fitness + are more than enough. I alternate cardio and strength, and if one day I am very tired I can always look for some Pilates or yoga to continue doing something. I confirm that there is a need for willpower, but there is no better partner than Fitness+ and our Apple Watch if we can get it.
If right now, for whatever reason, you don’t exercise and use an iPhone, my recommendation is clear. Get an Apple Watch, whatever, if you don’t already have it. And take advantage of your measurements and rings to try Apple Fitness +. It is not that you suddenly propose to do a marathon: half an hour of daily exercise, mixing various types of strength and cardio, is enough for you to start noticing its benefits. It doesn’t matter how old you are: it’s never too late to wear.
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