Health News

Alba Díaz Martín’s heaviest exercise to crush the abs explained by her trainer

If you already know Miguel Lordán’s training sessions, you have surely realized that they are anything but boring. Better known in networks for @mltrainer, Lordán is one of the most famous coaches on the national scene because there are many celebrities who have trusted him for a long time to design their training sessions. He is usually generous with his Instagram followers and share certain routines that serve as inspiration to make our own either at home or in the gym. The last one has to do with a session of training of the influencer Alba Díaz Martín who for a few years has undergone a brutal physical transformation thanks to his good work in the gym (now looks spectacularly strong and defined) Among all the exercises in the routine, one in particular has caught our attention that seems to us to be the most complete for crushing our abs and that is why we wanted Miguel Lordán himself to be the one to explain what it consists of and how we can do it well without risk of injury. Swipe to the last of the videos in the following post to see what we’re talking about.

According to Miguel, it is a reinvention of the classic abdominal wheel core exercise that occurred to him after finishing one of his long days of training in his gym. “It’s the usual abdominal wheel but on the treadmill to avoid lower back injuries.”

Working with the abdominal wheel on the ground is quite harmful for the lower back but in this way, according to Miguel, if you maintain a natural body posture, with your hands gripping the wheel and placed at a right angle at shoulder height (be careful with your back, always straight) you get a very complete core workout. without risk of suffering a lumbar load.

It is a job with which the entire core is involved but with special incidence in the frontal and oblique abdominals so that we can say with all the letters that it is a crushing-abdominal exercise.

How to do it correctly

Lordán makes it clear to us that we must do it always taking into account the level of each one. Starting little by little from an initial position with your knees resting on the ground and then gradually getting up without damaging your back. As for the level of the treadmill that we use, it is important that it is always at a minimum, he adds.

If you dare to try it you need to get one abdominal wheel stable enough to perform the exercise safely as well as You must have the right footwear Give you good grip and stability.

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Top Rated EliteAthlete Abdominal Wheel

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Headshot of Eva Machón Saavedra

Eva Machón is a digital editor, an expert in fashion, beauty and a healthy lifestyle. No cool sneaker has escaped her radar, no celebrity look has gone unnoticed.

He is a specialist in covering red carpets to look for the most defined abs but he does not get ruffled if he has to try the toughest CrossFit exercises that have to be done to achieve them. Now, what she likes most about her job is having the opportunity to snoop around in the beauty bag of celebrities and ask everyone (she never forgets) for her favorite beauty trick.

No one better than her knows what it’s like to spend hours diving on social networks in search of trends and new products that she can test to write her reviews and give her opinion on the topic that is most current with her friends (why not say so). In her spare time, she takes advantage of the time to exploit her creativity stitch by stitch in her embroidery workshop, unleash energy giving everything in her dance classes and disconnect with a good crime novel accompanied by her two cats.

Eva Machón graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid and since then she has worked as an editor in different lifestyle-themed digital magazines. She has been associated with Women’s Health for more than 4 years.

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