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fitness: Slam ball, easy and fun training to gain muscle


slam ball It could be translated as “ball hit”. The name can be somewhat bombastic and even intimidating, but nothing is further from the truth. Behind it is a very simple exercise that can help you a lot to gain muscle and strengthen your abs in a very simple way.

A slam ball is a weighted, rubber-coated ball that can be used in a variety of exercises to condition and define muscles. although they are

very similar to medicine ballsslam balls have one crucial difference: they have thicker surfaces, making them ideal for high-impact throwing drills.

Medicine balls have much thinner rubber, leather, or plastic surfaces, so they’re not really too practical for intense workouts. So now you have a new form of exercise with which you can go a little further in your work to

strengthen your core.

The benefits of slam ball

Slam balls are popular with female athletes around the world as they are

easy to include in any workout and can greatly enhance the development of muscle mass. Depending on the exercises you do, doing slam balls works your shoulders, triceps, pecs, calves, back, and core, especially your abs.

Even if you’re not looking for Schwarzenegger-style muscles, you’ll find multiple advantages, as the more powerful your muscles, the faster your metabolism will speed up, resulting in a

lower body fat and in some more defined abs.

For whom

The slam ball can

fit perfectly into your gym plan, although it is especially suitable for those who do resistance training. And if you’re working through a full exercise program, you can easily add slam balls as they can be used instead of weights or incorporated into cardio. In addition, they vary from 3 kg to 15 kg, something that greatly expands the spectrum of users.

Woman training with ball/PEXELS

Exercises with slam balls

There are a variety of exercises that you can incorporate slam balls into, and the most basic is as simple as

throw the ball to the ground. To perform this simplest exercise, stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart or a little higher. Raise the ball overhead while maintaining full hip and knee extension. And then throw the ball hard against the ground between your feet and try to catch the ball during its rebound to repeat the movement again.

Another favorite of those who use them is the Bulgarian squat. If you incorporate this already classic exercise into your routine with the addition of the ball, you will get a

improving your balance while toning your legs and abs. What you have to do is stand tall with your feet together in front of the slam ball. She brings her right foot back, balancing her toes on the ball. Apply weight to your left heel and lower your body into a lunge, bending your right knee forward (left knee should be at a 90-degree angle). Straighten both legs until you are back standing in front of the ball and repeat.


slam burpee It is another modality and with it you will increase your metabolism while exercising many muscles at the same time. Stand with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and bring the ball to your chest. Drive up off your toes, lift the jab ball over your head, drop your hips back down, and drop the jab ball to the ground.

Woman training with ball/PEXELS

As you do this, move your feet back so that you are in a braced plank position. Step your feet forward back into a squat, hands still on the ball, then slowly move back to the starting position. By the way,

you will release a lot of adrenaline.

And as a fourth exercise we propose the

bear drag to work the shoulders. Stand with both legs and arms suspended above the floor, keeping your back as straight as possible. With your knees slightly bent, creep forward, using one hand to push the ball down as you go. Go several meters like this and then turn around and repeat using the other arm to push off.

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