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full body fitness: Pike with Swiss ball, the perfect exercise to strengthen the core

The secret to strong abs is knowing the work you have to do. While there are a plethora of abdominal exercises out there, one of them may have slipped your mind because it’s not as popular as it could be. Is he

pike with swiss balla relatively easy exercise, but also a challenge, that will allow you to have a strong core while working the entire body.

This is an excellent abdominal exercise that simultaneously works many muscle groups to provide a

greater core strength and better functionality. And yes, it uses a Swiss ball, a large and resistant inflatable accessory that is also used in disciplines such as yoga or Pilates.

Swiss balls are becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons including rehabilitation and therapy, increasing flexibility, promoting better balance, and adding versatility to your workouts. But its use for

increase core strength it is often overlooked.

What is pike with swiss ball

You have before you a great abdominal exercise for

develop a category core force and a functional movement to help with training, performance and daily activity. It works the abs a lot, which is also effective for the muscles of the upper and lower body, since it engages many muscle groups for continuous movement.

Woman with Swiss ball/PEXELS

Although it is a

difficult exercise to perform, is easy to learn as the only equipment needed is a Swiss ball. Once you know how to correctly and safely perform the Swiss ball pike, you’ll take your routine to new heights and have that rock hard core you’ve always wanted.

How to do the pike with swiss ball

The technique is not difficult. Begin with your arms extended toward the floor as you lie on a Swiss ball. Your

legs will be stretched out and your hands resting on the floor. Your shins will be parallel to the ground on top of the ball. This will be done in one continuous motion. Pull the ball toward your feet, pushing your hips up. Once your back is straight and angled toward the ceiling, gently slide down the ball back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. And there is no more!

However, there are some useful tips that you should know before doing the exercise. use your

crunches to push your hips up. This will relieve some of the stress on your lower back. In addition, you must keep your movement controlled throughout the exercise.

Don’t let your knees buckle. use your

quadriceps to keep those legs straight. It’s also critical to keep your core as tight as possible at all times to prevent lower back pain, work on proper technique, and promote better abdominal training.

This is an abdominal exercise, but you will also involve other muscles from larger groups. This exercise will also work

internal and external obliques. You’ll also be doing real lower body work for your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors, as well as upper body work on your lower back, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.

Woman with Swiss ball/PEXELS

Exercise Benefits

The Swiss ball pike is a challenging exercise designed to really work your abs. The first thing you will notice is a

improved balance and stability. Through practice, this exercise will become easier over time. Since the only equipment needed is the Swiss ball, it can be done at home or at the gym and offers an easy way to further strengthen that core like you’ve always wanted.

It provides a good alternative to change your daily abdominal exercise routine. As a core workout, it also targets your lower and upper body muscles to provide great functional work while toning and

adds great muscle growth. With guaranteed results.

“The civilization and culture of the people depend on the education of women” – Carmen de Burgos, writer

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