Improve your quality of life with these great tips

Hello and welcome to another edition of the Lounge Fitness roundup. Every weekend, we bring you a selection of the best stories on fitness that we’ve published through the week. If you missed out on them the first time, here’s your chance to read them!
Here at Lounge, we care a lot for your health and fitness. We want our articles to make a positive difference, not just to your training, but also to your quality of life. With this in mind we have three excellent stories for you. One looks at new research on the pros and cons of drinking alcohol. The second story is about the benefits of doing yoga, and the third tells you about the best warmups you can do before a chest workout.
Nothing divides opinion as sharply as this subject, especially among fitness enthusiasts. While some maintain that drinking is fine, as long as you offset it. Others refuse to believe that there can be any benefits at all to inebriation.
In this story, writer Shrenik Avlani talks about new research which finds that drinking in low to moderate quantities can be good to lower stress levels in a person. However, as Avlani finds out after talking to doctors, there can be way better ways to lower your stress levels too. A fascinating story. Click here to read.
It was the International Day of Yoga this past week, and to mark it, we decided to talk to professionals who lead an active life and how yoga has helped them in this regard. Over the past decade, yoga practice has really taken off in India, and it’s fascinating to hear enthusiasts list the different, and very personal reasons, why they love the practice.
Shrenik Avlani speaks to a cross-section of such enthusiasts, from corporate executives to academics, to yoga instructors, from across the country. Reading it, you may even pick up some useful tips for your own practice, from using yoga to correct imbalances to using it to help with strength training. Click here to read.