Legs to die for: Copenhagen Plank, the perfect exercise to get legs to die for

To be able to make your strength training profitable, nothing better than the
copenhagen irona level variation of the side plank that tests your core and lower body strength for legs as toned as Queen Letizia.
Like the side plank, the Copenhagen plank consists of
lie on one side of your body with the lower elbow bentor, forearm resting on the floor and legs fully extended. But instead of stacking your feet on the floor, you’ll rest one foot on top of a bench (or sofa, chair, or other stable surface) and then place your other foot a few inches below the fixture and hold this position as firmly as possible.
If done correctly, the Copenhagen iron is
really demanding to hold for even a good 10 seconds. Not only does it engage the obliques like a side plank, but it also engages the adductors, the inner and outer thigh muscles. Sounds complicated? It is not so.
How to do the Copenhagen plank
The first thing is to lie on the left side of the body with the left elbow resting on the floor directly under the left shoulder, with both legs extended to the right side and the right arm extended towards the ceiling. place the
right foot on a bench and gently rest the toes of the left foot on the ground.
Woman doing a plank /
Engage your core, landing through your left elbow and the side of your left foot, and lift your hips and knees off the ground. Then lift your left foot off the ground so that it is a few inches below your right foot. look ahead and
keep a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position.
Better stabilization and balance
One of the main benefits of the Copenhagen iron is that
strengthens the abductors, muscles responsible for moving the leg away from or closer to the midline of the body. These muscles are used during lateral movements in your daily life, such as balancing on a moving subway car or bus.
In addition, the abductors play a key role in the
pelvic stabilization And if one of those muscle groups isn’t strong enough to offer that essential support, you could develop lower back pain. Practicing the Copenhagen plank regularly can strengthen these key lower-body muscles and help keep injuries at bay.
As you hold the plank position, your core stabilizer muscles will need to work harder to support your body, which is supported only by your foot resting on the bench. Also, they will be challenged to prevent you from turning forward. And this workout can improve your core stability for
improve your sports performance.
Muscles worked with the Copenhagen plank
The Copenhagen pushup is a unilateral exercise, which means it targets a
only side of the body at a time. If you’re performing the exercise with your right arm on the floor, for example, it will engage the obliques on the right side and the adductors on the left leg. This is why it can be particularly useful for correcting muscle imbalances.
If you notice that it is much easier for you to do a Copenhagen plank on the right side than on the left, it is a sign that there may be a problem.
muscle imbalance. Severe imbalances can lead to offset movement patterns and, in turn, an increased risk of injury.
Woman doing a plank /
To even out that disparity and keep injuries at bay, a good solution you can adopt is to temporarily prioritize the Copenhagen planks on your left side, along with other
strengthening exercises Specifically targeting those weaker muscle groups.
Along with the abductors, adductors and hip flexors, the Copenhagen plank challenges virtually all parts of the trunk, which play a key role in
keep the spine stable and safe. Plus, your obliques, the muscles responsible for rotating your trunk, reap a large part of the benefits.
In addition, the exercise works the
shoulder stability, especially if you perform the exercise on your palm instead of your forearm, which reduces the surface area you balance on. As soon as you get on your palm instead of your forearm, you lose some of that stability, so there’s a little more work your body has to do to stabilize itself and not rotate to the side. And, of course, you will have impressive legs, just like Queen Letizia. Give it a try, you won’t regret it!
Phrase of the day:
“The civilization and culture of the people depend on the education of women” – Carmen de Burgos, writer