Rock Ministries of Philadelphia helping to clean up Kensington

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — One of Mayor Cherelle Parker's promises when she took office was to make improvements to Kensington.
It is part of their promise to make the city safer, cleaner, greener and with economic opportunity for all.
On Saturday, a Philadelphia church began moving forward with that plan.
“We've recruited many, many volunteers. We sent them to a kickoff event today, but we'll continue the same effort over the next few weeks,” said Craig Cerrito, associate pastor at Rock Ministries of Philadelphia.
Rock Ministries set out with clergy members to Kensington Avenue near Somerset Street Saturday morning, working together to improve the neighborhood. Going up and down Kensington Avenue, you can see what the living conditions of the community are like every day.
“Kensington has an international reputation for being one of the toughest communities in the United States, certainly overrun by drug trafficking and dominated by the symptoms of drug trafficking,” Cerrito said.
According to Rock Ministries, the city of Philadelphia asked them to help clean up Kensington, expand outreach to the homeless, and help with addictions on the streets.
“Obviously, the situation we have in Kensington is incredibly complicated,” said Philadelphia Deputy Commissioner Pedro Rosario.
Over the next few months, they will continue their efforts, venturing into the community to help the city with its efforts to improve public safety.
“Listen, the Kensington neighborhood is in trouble. We're in crisis. What we're doing now is various outreach activities week by month. Trying to reach every last person who is in desperate situations,” Cerrito said.
Another clean-up in Kensington is planned for next Wednesday. Rock Ministries is looking for more volunteers. You can apply if you are 18 years or older in
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