Suffolk County Personal Training For Police Fitness Test Preparation Announced

Published June 20, 2023
This event personal training program was conceived in response to the demand of prospective candidates who want to pass the fitness requirements of the New York State Police Force, which also covers both Suffolk and Nassau counties. According to Long Island Sports Training, its dedicated program prepares candidates for the unique fitness requirements of the police force while providing vast improvements in cardiovascular fitness and overall health.
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According to the New York State Police Force, its Physical Ability Test assesses candidates’ “flexibility, dynamic strength, and cardiovascular endurance.” Three types of exercises are used to measure these qualities: sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1.5-mile run.
To pass the test, a candidate must reach the minimum targets for each exercise. For example, a person under 29 must perform 35 sit-ups and 18 push-ups within one minute to be marked as passed.
Long Island Sports Training explained that law enforcement agencies often emphasize calisthenics and functional fitness exercises, as they resemble the actual movements that police officers are expected to perform while on duty, such as running, climbing, and jumping.
“The weight training you do at your local gym is not enough to prepare you for this type of test,” a spokesperson for the company said. “You need functional strength and agility, and this is what we offer in our personal training program.”
Long Island Sports Training’s program is characterized by high-intensity aerobic training, which is suitable for building cardiovascular fitness, reducing body fat, and enhancing strength and athletic performance within a short period.
Sessions are led by coaches who hold certifications in personal training from respected organizations like the National Council on Strength and Fitness, SafeSport, and the HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports initiative, among many others.
They added that, in addition to police force candidates, the program is ideal for those looking to join the fire department or anyone in need of being in shape prior to an athletic event or fitness test.
Interested participants can learn more by visiting
Long Island Sports Training
27 Wood Ave
United States