
Local gym managers share fitness tips as summer arrives | Fitness tips of the day

JACKSON, Tenn. — With summer officially here, many people are looking to get into the gym and get into shape for vacation season.

On top of working out, there is also eating the right foods and living a healthy lifestyle.

Michelle Newton, general manager for Pulse Fitness in Lexington, gives some advice for people looking to start their fitness journey.

“The best way is consistency,” Newton said. “Knowing what your body can and can’t do. Drinking plenty of water. I think that’s the thing that people forget about, is that water is so important to the body.”

Newton also tells us what is the ideal amount to workout each week without getting over exerted, but still see results.

“I tell all of the beginners when they come in to at least start three days a week. You want to do a push day. That’s anything you can push. Push out, push down, push out. Pull anything you can pull towards your body and legs,” Newton said.

Many people wonder if you can work on cardio and strength on the same day. General manager at Fitness 1440 in Jackson, Willie Smith, gives us that answer.

“It’s a great deal to work on your cardio and strength on the same day,” Smith said. “I wouldn’t suggest using the same muscles on both days back to back, because they do need a day in between to heal and grow.”

Zach Peacock, manager at Jackson’s ATC Fitness, tells us now that the summer is here, people are flooding into the gym.

“We always get a lot of new and familiar faces during the summertime. It’s always a fun and exciting time for us,” Peacock said.

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